Origin story - this is your own story, how you came to set up your business, who you are, where you want to go, what your values are. This is your chance to shine, showing your uniqueness.
Product Story - if your business is product based this is your opportunity to tell people why you created it, what problem is it trying to solve, what hurdles did you face bringing your product to life?
Maker Story - this is linked to the product story and is an opportunity to showcase the people behind it — who makes it, what drives them to do this, what processes are used to ‘make’ the product?
As a business you will have a set of values that drives the way you operate and how you present yourself to the world. What are those values? Where did they come from? How do they create connections with clients/customers?
Have a strong mission statement, be active on social media, have coordinated branding - this shows a cohesive, considered presentation of you and your business.
In today’s connected society, there is no excuse for not getting back to a client! However you communicate (email, text, messenger) be sincere and always answer questions honestly, even if it’s less than positive.
Don’t be frightened to say no to something or express your concerns about an idea/suggestion. We often feel pressured into taking on more than we can cope with or always agreeing with clients because we want to please them. By showing a less than perfect side to ourselves, we are creating the opportunity for a two-way open dialogue.
We’ve all been there - we’re only human after all. Don’t try to hide or cover up something you’ve done wrong. Look for solutions and be upfront - own your mistake. Communication is key and, if done in an authentic way, can turn a problem into an opportunity. This will help build trust and show people you are open and honest.
This is similar to the ‘treat others how you expect to be treated’ mantra. Model the behaviour you expect from others, for example, follow up when you say you will, listen carefully to what you’re being told/asked, take responsibility, show up on your social media - these are all part of the day-to-day running of a business but it’s how you do them that matters.
People buy into people and testimonials from real people are a powerful tool. Share any other awards you may have been nominated for/won and any professional organisations you are a member of - all of these go towards showing you and your business as being reliable and trustworthy.
When you know who you are really are, everything will start flowing naturally.
You are what makes you unique and that is how you will start attracting your ideal clients. People will see your genuine true self and that will help you to stand out in an already busy space.
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